Mother and Child Portraits London


You are the keeper of precious memories, the biggest cheerleader, and the fire-breather. You are the rock, the game changer, the sacrifice of sanity and the finder of everything. You are the dispenser of unconditional love. 

This is your ode to motherhood.

Maternity Photography North London

Whether expecting, adopting, gaining children through marriage/a partner, or having children already, you are experiencing Motherhood.

This session is for Mamas and Mamas to be of all ages. Let’s capture and explore your Motherhood in all its raw and intimate beauty and appreciate all you are as a woman and a mother.

My motherhood sessions are pretty much a culmination of all of my experience up to now. It’s the session that speaks volumes about you as a mother. It’s both playful and serious, loud and quiet. Courageous and fearful. Fast and slow. No matter the age of your kids, we can create your truth in images and do this in your home.

This session isn’t about perfection or even imperfection. It’s about honesty, acceptance and connecting with your inner voice.

I’ll help you feel comfortable in your skin and to love every curve, lump and bump of your beautiful body. To show your vulnerability, as well as your brave. 

Let us brave the elements together and connect with our inner voice and our inner wild.

Come, let’s play! I hope you’ll love it. 

I'm Samantha, a London-based Portrait Photographer, Content Marketer, and Educator. I've been capturing the essence of adults, children, and babies since 2012.

I aim to help individuals, families, and brands forge meaningful connections with themselves and their audiences.

I'm a soulful creative and a purposeful storyteller. My art is an extension of who I am, rooted in values of connection and creativity.

And yes, I'm always up for a bit of worldwide adventuring with my work.


London Maternity Photography


Natural Newborn Photographer London