Momentum: Black Lives Matter

Here is a post I shared on Instagram yesterday about Momentum.

I hope you'll take some time to read it.

Are you tired of it all? I’m tired of years of living and breathing it too. It’s become my normal. Let’s talk about where we go from here. Do we all have what it takes to change?

This is so much more than one day of silence.

Momentum: Black Lives Matter

Momentum: Black Lives Matter

Momentum: Black Lives Matter

I'm Samantha. I’m a London and International Lifestyle, Portrait and Commercial Photographer. I create authentic meaningful portraits that resonate with your soul. I also help conscious brands better connect with their tribe through honest storytelling and impactful imagery. 

Mindful Mama of 2, leaning into conscious living. Lover of plants and light. I also share mindful notes, stories of wonder and soul lessons I’ve learnt along the way.


The End of Lockdown is in sight - Mother and Child Photography London


20 Children's Portraits I still love!